Account login and creation can be customized with specific declaration in a json passed in the url.
Parameters :
Name |
Value |
example |
brand.name | Partner Brand name | ADAGIO |
brand.logoSrc | Partner logo url | https://www.adagio-city.com/sites/default/files/2020-05/logo-rouge-ori.jpg |
brand.logoWidth | Logo witdh in px. Height is set to auto | 300 |
rememberMeDisplay | Display the Remember me checkbox | |
lcahLoginLinkDisplay | Display the fidelity program information | true |
lcahOptinDisplay | Display the fidelity program optin (available only on register) | true |
lcahOptinDefault | Fidelity program optin checked by default (available only on register) | true |
buttonRegisterDisplay | Display the registration button | true |
newsLettersOptinCodes | Display Newsletter for optin (available only on register) | "ADG","ALL" |
cancelButtonDisplay | Display cancel button (return back) | true |
socialNetworkDisplay | Display social network icons | true |
styles.primaryButtonBackgroundColor | Primary button color | #D50032 |
styles.primaryButtonColor | Primary button text color | #FFFFFF |
styles.secondaryButtonBackgroundColor | Secondary button color | #D50032 |
styles.secondaryButtonColorButtonColor | Secondary button text color | #FFFFFF |
styles.cancelButtonBackgroundColor | Cancel button color | #D50032 |
styles.cancelButtonColorButtonColor | Cancel button text color | #FFFFFF |
Example of JSON :
"brand": {
"name": "ADAGIO",
"logoSrc": "https://www.adagio-city.com/sites/default/files/2020-05/logo-rouge-ori.jpg",
"logoWidth": 300
"lcahLoginLinkDisplay": true,
"lcahOptinDefault": true,
"lcahOptinDisplay": true,
"buttonRegisterDisplay": true,
"newsLettersOptinCodes": [ "ADG","ALL"],
"newsLettersOptinDefault": true,
"newsLettersOptinDisplay": true,
"cancelButtonDisplay": false,
"socialNetworkDisplay": false,
"styles": {
"primaryButtonBackgroundColor": "#D50032",
"primaryButtonColor": "#ffffff",
"secondaryButtonBackgroundColor": "#D50032",
"secondaryButtonColor": "#ffffff",
"cancelButtonBackgroundColor": "#D50032",
"cancelButtonColor": "#ffffff"